Health Benefits of MSM (Methylsulfonylmethane)
Although you might not be familiar with the name Methylsulfonylmethane, you might've heard of it by its more common acronym MSM if you've ever looked at joint-health supplements. MSM is a source of biologically active sulfur oxidized from dimethyl sulfoxide...
Pre-workout and Post-workout Nutrition Made Simple
Making progress in the gym or with any major physical activity requires just a few important things: Dedication, determination, recuperation, and good nutrition. The first two depend completely on the amount of effort you're willing to put in, but with...
Health Benefits of Dandelion Root
Although generally considered a weed because of its fast and invasive growth, Taraxacum officinale-ommonly known as dandelion-is actually a flowering plant with a complex root system. And despite its bad reputation among those seeking a certain landscaping look, there are...
HIIT to Be Fit This Holiday Season
It's that time of year. No matter how dedicated you are to your health and fitness, the holiday season from October through early January can get the best of you—or the worst, depending on how you look at it. Either...
The Benefits of Amylopectin - Waxy Potato Starch
Amylopectin, or waxy potato starch, is a carbohydrate source that's ideal for athletes or anyone who exercises and wants to replenish muscle glycogen quickly after their workouts. Waxy potato starch has a high molecular weight and passes through the stomach...