Train Together to Remain Together
Exercise is obviously critical to achieving optimal physical health, and that's especially true if you have an office job or lead an otherwise sedentary lifestyle. But if you find it hard to find the motivation to exercise alone, remember that...
Simple Steps to Improve Joint Health
As much as we all hate it, joint pain is a common issue, and that can be regardless of your age or activity level. Luckily, whether it's from injuries, age, or excessive activity, we have some simple steps to improve...
Happy New You 2022!
There's never a bad time to set new health and fitness goals, but right now is definitely the time of year when most people are amping up for some New Year resolutions. Whether you're getting a head start or waiting...
Caffeine: The Good and The Bad
Caffeine is one of the most commonly used stimulants in the world, but that's mostly because of the extreme popularity of coffee, energy drinks, and other caffeinated beverages. Most people don't think about the health benefits of caffeine while they're...
Get Up From Your Desk (or couch)
Even if you're usually extremely active, there's a good chance you're finding yourself sitting around way too much now. Even if you're a student who used to have the benefit of getting up and walking to other classes, that might...
Set Healthy Reminders
You hear the same excuses all the time for people not sticking with their healthy plans. Seriously, how often have you heard people complain that they run out of time and have to give in to fast food instead of...
Your Fall Health Checklist
A new season is always a great time to make a fresh start, and fall is the perfect time to change gears to meet your health and fitness goals before the end of the year. Most people use spring as...