Post-Workout Meal Planning
Whether you've been working out for years or you've just started your personal fitness journey, there's no shortage of information about workout programs, diets, and pre-workout supplements. However, one crucial part of exercise nutrition that many people forget to think...
Train Together to Remain Together
Exercise is obviously critical to achieving optimal physical health, and that's especially true if you have an office job or lead an otherwise sedentary lifestyle. But if you find it hard to find the motivation to exercise alone, remember that...
The Power of Protein Powder
If you've spent any time at all looking into sports nutrition, you've no doubt seen ads and recommendations for getting the most protein you can, usually in the form of supplemental protein powder. For those on a budget, or for...
8 Simple Tips for a Metabolic Boost
Gaining weight can be far too easy at times, and losing it... Well, that's not exactly easy. When weight loss inevitably slows down, it's probably because you need a metabolic boost to kick things back into high gear... A healthy...
Get Big Quick with These 3 Tips
"If you're on social media-which who are we kidding? Of course you are, then the phrase "train insane or remain the same," is probably very familiar. The reality is that you don't necessarily have to train "insane." However, you do...
How to Avoid Overtraining
It's that time of year when you're feeling extra motivated to reach your fitness goals, so you've got a plan, and no one can stop you. That's great! But the only thing to watch out for is that when faced...
How to Feel Young Forever
Let's face it, the full effects of aging are unavoidable. But that's not to say you can't do things to preserve your youth and extend your longevity. It just requires a bit of effort, but it's worth it to feel...
Eat to Lose Fat
If you've been trying to figure out how to eat to lose fat, then you already know it requires a caloric deficit to make any progress. Simply put, you need to burn more calories than you consume, and it's a...
Boost Your T Naturally
Testosterone is the holy grail of hormones when it comes to performance, strength, and muscle gains. However, testosterone production in men takes a big dive as they age, and that's more true now than in previous generations. Testosterone replacement therapy...
Pre-workout and Post-workout Nutrition Made Simple
Making progress in the gym or with any major physical activity requires just a few important things: Dedication, determination, recuperation, and good nutrition. The first two depend completely on the amount of effort you're willing to put in, but with...
Take a Break for the Health of It
When you're completely dedicated to your job, it can feel like you're doing wrong or slacking by taking time off, but working all the time can have a negative impact on your life, from job performance to personal well-being and...
Burn More Fat with More Blood Flow
Losing weight takes a lot of work, and it doesn't always happen predictably. You've probably noticed that fat seems to melt away from some areas of your body slower than others. Luckily, you might able to burn more fat with...
3 Simple Ways to Boost Testosterone Production
Testosterone is a key anabolic hormone that most athletes strive to increase because of its positive effects on performance and recovery. Regardless of whether you're trying to build muscle, increase fat burning, or improve peak performance in any sport, testosterone...
Fight the Effects of Stress
Stress is everywhere in our lives. Whether it's from work, school, relationships, finances, or any other source, stress is inevitable. And the more stress you deal with or the less you're able to cope with it, the more adverse the...